dark and light

美 [dɑːrk ənd laɪt]英 [dɑːk ənd laɪt]
  • n.(光线的)明暗;深浅;浓淡
dark and lightdark and light
  1. Hydrogen production from starch using mixed cultures under dark and light condition


  2. What is the difference between dark and light ?


  3. And the great battle between dark and light began .


  4. As in many online games , death in Dark and Light is not permanent .


  5. The painting of dark and light colours is a favourite of many art lovers .


  6. The pattern on a chessboard is formed by the contrast of dark and light .


  7. Dark and Light offers a gameplay that adapts to each player .


  8. The particular band pattern of dark and light was observed by using random primer PRINS .


  9. Difference between the dark and light adapted flash visual evoked potentials recorded from normal SD rats


  10. In Dark and Light , leadership is far more than a simple title or honorary status .


  11. In Dark and Light , there will be rare artifacts that can be found and carried by players .


  12. There are three types of combat in Dark and Light : melee , magic and ranged .


  13. Some washed denim clothes giving the effect of dark and light colour patches are most popular .


  14. Meal times have more effect on circadian rhythm than dark and light cycles , Dr. Panda says .


  15. In the present challenging times , progress can be quite rapid because of the continual battle between the dark and Light .


  16. Indeed , you lived and believed in the separation that set the dark and Light at odds with each other .


  17. It was starting to get dark and light snow flurries were coming down . He 'd better get a move on .


  18. The effect of chilling stress on membrane-lipid peroxidation of photosynthetic apparatus in rice seedlings in the dark and light


  19. John 's church seems to be a very sectarian group , why does he talk so much about dark and light ?


  20. That is because duality is a battle between the dark and Light for supremacy of your planet .


  21. Abstract art uses color , line , shape , texture , and dark and light to show ideas ; there are no figures in it .


  22. Vision was fractured and we could not perceive how inner and outer earth were polarized into dark and light dreams to an extreme ;


  23. Under both dark and light adaptation , common Japanese mackerel has the highest phototactic ratio towards both violet and red colour light .


  24. Of course , I have also kept to the play of dark and light colors and simple fabrics that I favor for all the apartments I design .


  25. Many natural dualities such as dark and light , female and male , honor and dishonor are given as examples of Yin and Yang .


  26. In this fashion , dark and light has created a structured way to organize , direct , and mobilize your joint armies to further your combined intentions .


  27. Our circadian clock , or biological timing system , governs our daily cycles of feeding , activity and sleep , with respect to external dark and light cycles .


  28. The observations showed that there are two kinds of neurons ( dark and light ) in the arcuate nucleus which might be responsible for producing both dopamine and releasing hormones .


  29. Visible also in the above images are the north polar cap of Mars , dark and light soil , clouds , and , in the early images , a global dust storm .


  30. The follicular epithelium contains two types of granular cells , dark and light cells , and nongranular supporting cells . The granular cells which contain a great number of electron dense granules are secretory in function .
